Five Nights To Remember Wiki

Corpse is the final boss in Five Nights To Remember Remake.


Corpse has the same appearance as Springlock Bonnie, but with black blood oozing out of the suit's eyes and every orifice, and contained within the suit is the re-animated corpse of a former employee of Fredbear's Family Diner who died from a springlock failure while wearing the suit.


Corpse will initially start in CAM 09 (Safe Room), before going to CAM 01 (Hallway), and then to the Office. Play the tape to send it away. It will then go to CAM 04 (Dining Room) and choose one of two paths. It can either go to CAM 07 (Backstage), then CAM 02 (TV Room), and then to the Office. Or it can go to CAM 05 (indicated by a strange noise playing whilst it's in there), then CAM 03 (Party Room), CAM 01, and finally the Office. If you do not play the tape in time when it enters the Office under either circumstance, you will receive a fatal jumpscare.

Something important to know is that he doesn’t appear in the doors, so you can’t stall him like Fredbear or Bonnie.




Corpse's screech. This screech is shared with all characters, except Vision Freddy, Vision Chica, and Yellow Bear.


  • Corpse shares many similarities with Undying[1] from Five Nights at Treasure Island. Both characters are costumes who both contain an undead person within them, both characters appear on night 5 of their respective games, and both characters' names are terms that relate to "death" or "the deceased".
  • Unlike his previous incarnations Corpse's suit is fully intact

Corpse is an antagonist that appears in Five Nights To Remember.


Corpse shares the same base model as Spring Bonnie. He is missing a piece of his body and the upper half of his right ear. While at the Office, he removes Spring Bonnie's head to reveal his skull, as well as the human flesh beneath it.


Corpse starts in CAM 9 and makes his way to the office do not move if he enters the office.







  • According to the files of the game, Corpse was intended to be Purple Guy, shown with his office sprite labeled "PGUY".

Corpse is an antagonist that appears in One Night To Remember.


Corpse is a very withered version of Spring Bonnie, implied to be a springlock failure victim. He shares the same base model as Spring Bonnie but has an upper set of teeth, hollowed-out eyes, missing the upper half of his right ear, and has a few holes in his head and lower left leg. His torso has a massive hole revealing (presumably) human flesh beneath it. He also appears to be missing both his hands and is completely missing the suit part of his lower right leg.


Corpse becomes active around 6 AM. He will appear in CAM 1 before rapidly making his way towards the Office, following the same path Spring Bonnie takes. The player can use the Tracker system to see roughly where Corpse is in the building. Once he enters the office the player has to play music via flipping the music switch to cause him to retreat back to CAM 1. If the music switch isn't flipped in a timely fashion, the player's vision will go dark before their screen gets filled with static and they are taken to the Game Over screen.





  • Corpse bares strong similarities to Springtrap from Five Nights at Freddy's 3. Both being versions of Spring Bonnie, both being very withered (notably missing the upper half of their right ear), and both being springlock failure victims.
  • Corpse is the only lethal character in One Night To Remember that doesn't have a jumpscare.
  • Unlike his other incarnations Corpse of One Night to Remember lacks hands.



FredbearBonnieH.I.MSpringlock FredbearSpringlock BonnieCorpse
Vision FreddyVision BonnieVision ChicaVision FoxyShadow FredbearShadow BonnieYellow Bear
Custom Night
Sam FosterRyan
Ink-Blot FredbearInk-Blot SpringBonnieInk-Blot FreddyInk-Blot Stan
Spring ChicaSpring FoxyThe OriginalNightmarePlushtrapMinistansJAMESDan