Five Nights To Remember Wiki
Are you looking for Five Nights To Remember (remake)?

One Night to Remember, (also known as ONtR for short) was meant to be a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame, a point and click horror game.

The game was the sequel to Five Nights To Remember and then was followed by The Diner after cancellation. The game would be finally completed as the 6th Night of Five Nights To Remember Remake.


From 12 to 8 AM, you must monitor the building like you have done for the past few months. However, after a recent birthday party, the animatronics haven't been acting the same. Don't you worry though, as the company has hooked up a few PA switches in your office in order for you to use various sounds to lead the animatronics away. In a pinch? Shut your eyes and sit still, it will all be okay. Also, there have been 2 animatronics to make up for the removal of some others. These are special "interactive" animatronics, and the PA systems wont quite work for them. But don't worry, we have something else that is sure to work!




Spirits and Hallucinations[]



Even though it’s only one night, it can be quite difficult the first tries due to the game throwing you a new office, new animatronics, new mechanics and with the AI of them at medium level.

You start at 12 AM and finish at 8 AM. However, by the time the animatronics gets to your office, it will be already 2 AM, being Spring Bonnie the first one to appear. Then, after Fredbear attacks, the next one will always be Stan. At 3-4 AM, The Original, Plushtrap and Ben activates. The Original starts at CAM 01, requiring you to watch him to slow down his progress to the office. The tracker becomes necessary as you need to know where Fredbear and Bonnie is. The rest of the animatronics are particularly easy to avoid, as you just can constantly flipping up and down the monitor to see if they are in the office. Around 5-6 AM, Fredbear and Bonnie deactivates and Corpse begins moving. This part is the easiest because you got rid of two threats and aside from Corpse being quicker, you will already by used to their mechanic.

Just survive for two more hours and and you’ll finish the night.







  • As said by PuritySin, there are a few secrets in the game that give hints to future projects and games.
  • Due to many errors, the limit on Clickteam, and various other reasons, the game is unfinished, and may possibly remain that way.
  • The main Animatronic scream in-game is a modified audio clip of Purity screaming.
    • According to Purity, she screamed loud enough to make her own ears bleed, and that part of the scream is cut off.
      • The other scream, used by the Minigame animatronics, and Shadow Fredbear, is a modified version of the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 scream.
  • H.I.M was meant to be in the game but was scrapped due to its cancellation.[1]



Five Nights To RememberOne Night To RememberThe DinerFive Nights To Remember Remake
Five Nights To Remember 2One Night To Remember Remake