The Party Room is a room in Five Nights To Remember Remake.
In the Party Room, several party hats and balloons are visible, as well as the arcade machine on the left. There is also a red curtains and a wooden floor.
Springlock Fredbear and Springlock Bonnie would appear in the Party Room in Night 3, after he and Springlock Bonnie replace Fredbear and Bonnie, who are moved to the Backstage. They are inactive and doesn't move during the night. Bonnie will also appear in this room as she progresses to the Office. In Night 5, Corpse and Shadow Bonnie would also appear here. This is also Bite's starting location from the Custom Night.
Springlock Fredbear and Springlock Bonnie at the Party Room.
Bonnie at the Party Room.
Corpse at the Party Room.
Shadow Bonnie at the Party Room.
Bite at the Party Room.
The Party Room is a room in Five Nights To Remember.
In the Party Room, several party hats are visible, as well as red chairs and table. There are two posters on the walls such as Fredbear and Spring Bonnie.
Spring Bonnie can appear in the Party Room as she progresses to the Office. In Night 5, Shadow Bonnie can also appear here.[]
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